- Confidentiality
A member shall treat client information as confidential and will not take advantage of privileged information gathered during the professional work undertaken.
- Professional Competence
A member shall only accept work for which he/she is competent and (where applicable) professionally qualified.
- Assignment Clarity
A member shall ensure that, before accepting an assignment, the objectives, scope, deliverables, workplace and fee arrangements are mutually understood and agreed.
- Independence
A member must be able to conduct each assignment objectively. He/she should not be biased by any stakeholder about any aspect of the client's thinking which could alter the impartiality of the member's advice.
- Conflicts of Interest
A member shall not represent himself as an independent evaluator and at the same time accept commissions or other benefits from others in connection with a recommendation to a client regarding services or products without the client's knowledge and consent.
- Proprietary Materials
We recognize our responsibility to the profession to share with our colleagues the methods and techniques we utilise in serving clients. We will not knowingly, without their permission, use proprietary data, procedures, materials, or techniques that other management consultants have developed but not released for public use.
- Client Relations
We will not make offers of employment to employees of clients without prior consultation. If we are approached by employees of clients regarding employment in our firm or in that of another client, we will make certain that we have our clients' consent before entering into any negotiations with employees. When consultants change employers, they have a responsibility to fulfill or adequately transfer the clients' contacts and assignment details prior to termination.
- Professional Reputation
We will respect the professional reputation and practice of other management consultants. This does not remove the moral obligation to expose unethical conduct of fellow members of the profession to the proper authorities.
We will strive to broaden public understanding and enhance public regard and confidence in the management consulting profession, so that management consultants can perform their proper function in society effectively. We will conduct ourselves so as to reflect credit on the profession and to inspire the confidence, respect, and trust of clients and the public.